

This is how you really want to enjoy gemwater. Forget those generic plastic pitchers and go all the way with a match made in heaven: An Era Decanter PLUS an original VitaJuwel Gemstone Vial.


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Diamonds are a gemwater lover’s best friend. Diamonds, the most precious gems on earth, were believed to channel divine energy. In the past, diamonds were only for kings and queens. Our customers say that no other gemwater tastes as apollonian as this exclusive blend. Try it once, and you’ll never drink ordinary tap water again. Infuse tap water with this blend, and drink water fit for a king (or queen). It is a perfect gift for that special someone you treasure most in your life – it is as unique as a diamond ring or a precious necklace – jewelry for your water!

Care instructions: handwash gemstone vial, decanter dishwasher-proof.

Volume: 44 fl. oz.
Height (incl. Gemstone Vial): ca. 14.5 in.
Diameter: ca. 4.4 in.
Made in Germany

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