

This is how you really want to enjoy gemwater. Forget those generic plastic pitchers and go all the way with a match made in heaven: An Era Decanter PLUS an original VitaJuwel Gemstone Vial.


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VitaJuwelvitality – gemwater set for home (decanter era + gemstone vial vitality).
This is your one-stop solution for your gemwater needs. This great bundle comes with an era decanter and a vitality gemstone vial.

The 11th-century abbess and healer Hildegard of Bingen declared in her writings: “All the green of nature is concentrated within the emerald.” emerald is a crystal of the heart. It stands for renewal and regeneration like no other. This lush “growth crystal” has been a source of fascination in several cultures for over six thousand years and was considered a symbol of eternal life in ancient Egypt. Many believe emerald to have rejuvenating and restoring effects. It is also said to promote self-esteem. Drink emerald-infused crystal water and become vital. Naturally!

Care instructions: handwash gemstone vial, decanter dishwasher-proof.

Volume: 44 fl. oz.
Height (incl. Gemstone Vial): ca. 14.5 in.
Diameter: ca. 4.4 in.
Made in Germany

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