
Gemstone Vial Guardian

black tourmaline – amethyst – clear quartz

A hand-made glass vial with a selection of crystals to restructure your drinking water. Jewelry for your water! Good for





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Our Gemstone Vials are traditionally hand-crafted in a patented, artisanal method by master glassblowers in Bohemia, using lead-free glass and hand-picked gems. Tested by naturopathic doctors and based on ancient crystal healing traditions.

New ideas, mental strength and inner growth require an open mind. This intense blend has been created to neutralize everything negative. Whether it comes from working or living in a challenging environment or just bad vibes from our fellow humans. In natural healing traditions, grounding black tourmaline stands for protection and safety. In several publications, Amethyst has been named the perfect companion for black tourmaline to create a powerful, natural shield against negativity. Clear Quartz adds a good portion of clarity. Use GUARDIAN as a screen and enjoy the freedom you’ll gain.

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Gemstone Vial Guardian
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