
Sweet Sweet Butterfly

The one way to keep your intentions closer to your heart.

In some parts of the world, the local folklore depicts the butterfly as the carrier of wishes and prayers, while, in other parts of the world, the butterfly represents the soul of a human being. In some cultures, butterflies are a symbol of rebirth. But for others, butterflies are signifiers of change and transformation.

Irrespective of where you are and the culture you come from, the butterfly can become a token of growth, love, or liberation. A token that you can lightly carry with you throughout your day.


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This darling Butterfly necklace is adored by those who have lost loved ones or feel the Butterfly is a symbol of freedom. Each locket comes with an inspirational note inside from someone in the world and 3 blank, waterproof message papers for you to write your own message on! Each product is packaged in cute test tube “message in a bottle” packaging with the waterproof note papers attached.

Made in Canada

Sweet Sweet Butterfly

Availability: In stock

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