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In peaceful action, you exercise your patience. In integrity, you find your strength. In moving with ease, you gain your peace. Each time you look at this bracelet, remember that your power lies within: in your ever-pumping veins, in your nerves, in the health of your gut, in the firmness of your bones, in the pleasure of reminiscing your best past moments. So, accept discomfort, allow it to be part of your flow, and see it as something you cannot avoid but face with ease.


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Women’s Beaded Bracelet –  Pearl, Amethyst, Labradorite Gemstones. This bracelet is adjustable in size and can fit wrists sizes from 6.3 inch to 7.5 inch (16 cm to 19 cm).

Pearl Stone: This oldest known gem symbolizes integrity, innocence and grace. It provokes emotional growth and readiness. Pearls have a great healing power. It is said that pearls strengthen the nerves, adrenal glands, spleen and muscular system. This stone brings patience, protection and love.

Amethyst Stone: Amethyst boosts production of hormones, calms nervous system and helps with insomnia. It improves hearing, digestive tract, and helps heart function. This stone treats headaches, hearing disorders, helps posture, and improves skeletal system.
Made in Slovenia

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Availability: In stock

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